Personally, I like the scare tactics and want people to stop planting alfalfa in Kentucky deer food plots. It’s one of the best tasting and favored food sources available to deer, so if more of my neighbors are planting it, the less likely deer are to go out of their way to visit my Kentucky deer hunting land. Alfalfa is also great for turkey food plots as well. Why do people write scathing articles of the required upkeep of alfalfa? Well, because it’s true! Alfalfa requires pesticide, mowing and is vulnerable to a weevil attack. Should that ever stop a food plotter? No way! Kentucky hunting outfitters aren’t afraid of spending $7.35 on a dose of chemical to put on their alfalfa food plot! The notion that anyone deer hunting cares about saving $20 is something the “farmer types” needs to understand. We don’t care about $100 here and there. We don’t care about over spending to produce good foot plots because we aren’t in this for the money! Food plotting and hunting is a passion. You don’t see Kentucky deer hunting outfitters accumulating millions of dollars of farm equipment, and planting 1,000’s of acres of crops in the Spring and Fall. We simply don’t need to worry about the margins like farmers need to. Farmers are advised by professionals that if they set their seeding machine at 6.75 inches a part vs. 7 inches a part, they will get 564.234 parts per million more sunlight which results in a 1.7% increase in harvest rates, etc., etc. In farmers world, that is the different between buying new equipment the following year vs. in our world it equates for $17. Alfalfa is preferred by Kentucky horses right? We all know alfalfa is more expensive than clover and that is for a reason. It tastes better!